Friday, August 29, 2008

About Me !

I would love to say that I am just your average next door guy. But I am not. Neither I am a hot shot banker nor the entrepreneur who just sold his startup to Google.

But by all measures, I have had a very unconventional career. When I was young (I still am !!), I wanted to be anything and everything around me. But with each day I grew as a person and the more I saw of this world, the bigger the things I pursued in life. That is me. And the funny thing is, I never thought I could achieve any of it. Its like, "Gosh...did I really do all of that !!".

Without getting into details, I started my career as a consultant and moved on to lead business turnaround for western investors in Asia. I have also been advisor to startups, and some of them survived while others ran into ground.

Now you might say whats unconventional about that? Well I never ever had to work for a boss in my professional life. And how that happened is a totally different story !!


Unknown said...

I am starting at INSEAD in Aug09 at Singapore.
How you liking Singapore so far?

Anonymous said...

You have a very useful blog, I am moving to S'pore this august as part of INSEAD J10 class =)
Do you mind if I link your blog in my blog?

konfused said...

Namrata, Singapore is a great place and am sure you will like it. Although I guarantee that you hardly will have any time to explore the city.

Namrataink....feel free to link my blog.

Cheers !

Anonymous said...


D10' admit here. Really enjoy your posts dude. Respect. Am going to link to you from my blog. Hope that's all right and would be happy to have you link to mine as well.


jose said...

Hi there!

'm working on the gmat because i want to apply to Insead next year so hopefully one day i will be a insead alumni.
really nice to read yours experiences