Wednesday, September 30, 2009

News Flash !!

David vs Goliath just got real !! We are going live peeps...going fuckin live!

And in other news, I am being dinged around by every living soul who has the authority to ding me. But fuck them. I aint gonna give up so easy.

Will be back with more news guys. Hang on tight to you knickers.


geekmba360 said...

Hang in there, dude. This is a marathon, not a sprint. From my b-school years, the "most likely to succeed" people are not that impressive today. The "losers" are doing great. You'll be fine.

Curious to hear your David vs. Golliah story. :-)

OutOfMyJeans said...

Where is it going live? I want to watch.

konfused said...

Thanks for the encouragement guys.

OMJ, by live I dont mean live like a website or a video :)

Its more like I am in the final phase and the axn just got real...pray for my guys...I want this stuff to work out!!

OutOfMyJeans said...

Yes, I know it wasn't going to be broadcast, but I still want to watch ;p