Saturday, July 18, 2009

Temptations !

After more than a year of self restrain, today I gave in to my temptations. I know it wasnt the smartest thing to do but sometimes its good to have some fun just for the heck of it.

I bought myself an iPhone 3GS, 32 GB. And I fuckin love it. It has to be the coolest thing since Google. You can waste hours after hours on this little work of art despite knowing that you are being stupid. I think this is a serious fun phone. The apps are super cool and it delivers a serious "convenience" punch to your life. Like, I just discovered that there is a fuckin Mexican joint near my flat.

Over the years I have used all sorts of phone. I preferred the Windows mobile over Blackberry because it had pull email instead of push. You see I am a lazy person and I cant be arsed into reading emails at odd hours of the night. But despite all that I have experienced in the world of mobile phones, there remains a winner. And sadly that is a Nokia basic brick phone. You might wonder why. Well because that little pc of shit can wake me up every morning without fail. Windows phone on the other hand used to ring once and then leave a reminder. Now you tell me, what fuckin good it is to wake up at 10 and see a reminder "Alarm 7am" on your phone. The other thing which I like about the brick phone is that because it is so cheap that everything in it is basic. There is not a drop of sophistication in it. So the speakers are basic and therefore noisy. The vibrator is also basic and hence fuckin efficient. I can keep that phone under a pillow and it will still make itself audible while vibrating my whole damn bed. And thats why, despite all the iPhone, Crackberry and the flip phones, my preffered choice in times of peril will be Nokia basic brick phone.

Now phones aside, I am also doing other meaningful stuff these days. Like experiencing Parisian life, meeting new random people and also an internship.

It is hard to believe but my MBA is more than half way through. I have two more terms to go and since it will be recruitment season, it will be over before I know it.

During the next few weeks I will blog a bit more than I usually do. I want to blog about Fonty vs Sgp, the impact of INSEAD MBA and of course the fucked up job market. Today someone asked me where I want to be after MBA. And I had no answer. I have never been this lost in my life ever. I was the one who always had plans. But now I dont know squat about where I want to be.

But you know what, I am konfused and extremely excited about life at this stage !


Anonymous said...

Mate I love the easy going tone in your posts. For some reason, you make life at INSEAD sound like a walk in the park. Your blog's definitely on my weekend reading list from now on.
I'm looking forward to reading your views on the state of the job market and life at Fonty vs Singy. Maybe you could spare a moment from all madness of an internship to post your thoughts on the pros & cons of doing a Jan-Dec run rather than Sept through July.

Good luck for the rest of the year at Insy.

-Z (potential J'11/D'11 candidate)

Anonymous said...

vibrate your whole bed? FINALLY a reason to get an iPhone.

yes, please blog more. i'm staying away because i have nothing nice to say at the moment.